Nov 18, 2004 11:13
Life has been decent lately.
The only problem I suppose is that I am having conflict with a few people in my life, and it's driving me crazy. I work very hard to avoid the conflict and the people it is with if necessary. Now there are certain situations when you cannot avoid those people, so I try to be good and curteous, but some people (one person in particular) just makes it impossible. And it's not like I don't like him as a person or whatever, because that's just not even an issue--he's just being a jerk in certain senarios, and saying that I take advantage of our friendship...when I clearly do not. I treat him the same as I do everybody else, and I do not expect any more from him than I do others. He's just freaking ridiculous. It doesn't really make me mad...because he doesn't affect my emotions that strongly, but he more than anybody I seek to avoid it seems.
On the up side, Autumn Alive is tonight. It should be stellar. I am looking forward to it: Something Corporate and Motion City Soundtrack. Score that. Before I do that though I am supposed to go play bingo with the elderly....which is all good and all, but EVERYBODY except me and love chunk backed it'll just be the two of us, and we both have a bunch of other shiat going on. I will get back here just in time for the concert to start, and I kinda wanted to be here earlier. Bummer eh'. Plus the elderly people are quite oppositional. It's a bummer. Some are very nice and fun though, to be just.
I just wrote this entire novel about a boy, but I decided I don't want you all to know about it, so I backspaced it. Haha.
Why does someone who values privacy have an LJ? I couldn't tell ya.
Anyway, I am too boy crazy for words...but I have narrowed it down to one and a half. I say 'half' because one is off limits, as he is an RA in my building. How embarrassing! ;)
But I think I am starving for boy affection, so even boys that are oh-so-wrong for me to be affectionate to, I still try it. It's horrendous. I need to stop that. I'm making myself crazy.
gotta go eat.