Jan 11, 2007 17:03
I sit here, torturing myself with face-twisting, sour candies - one after another, feeling like something is about to happen. I feel like my very being is at risk. I'm unsure as to whether it will be good or bad right now, but I feel like I am about to go through some sort of metamorphasis. This past month, I've been thinking things I've never thought before. Thinking in a totally different way. But I fear that this has been brought on by some sort of tragedy. A tragedy that I can't yet put my finger on yet...but I am definately being altered by it. Even now, they way I am composing this entry is out of my fashion. I don't normally talk about myself in here. At least not about my inner workings; all the cogs, gears and what not. I'm growing shorter with those around me.
I feel like I can do anything and I won't get reprecutions. You can't grasp such a concept in so many words though. It's something I just feel - although I am almost positive I am incorrect - but who's to say that I can be stopped by other people in this worldy environment? I truely could do what I really wanted. I wouldn't in fear of those reprecutions. Curiousity killed the cat. Who says I'm the cat though? I may just be the mouse being pursued. The mouse with a plan. The mouse...who knows what will happen to the cat in the end.
I'm like a chocolate with some sort of gooey center: you see a sweet coating but you don't know what's inside until you bite into it - and no one has really nibbled on me yet.
I think I just may be going crazy.