May 04, 2006 06:19
It's not like it's boring. The rolling green hills and forests offer pleasures and delights that are hard to imagine if you're not experiencing them. No one there is unhappy, after the trials and tribulations that come in life. It's a place to finally rest, for those who have rarely had the chance.
The death of a deity is important, and the rare newcomer entering through the portal is feted and honoured. But the latest deity entered sad and remained that way, though all the joys of heaven were laid out before her. She stands, watching the gates, waiting for someone. When questioned, she answers briefly, if at all. And she hopes and prays that the person she waits for doesn't enter soon, even if it means that she has to wait longer.
It's whispered that she fell in love with a mortal, and before dying assured that mortal a place in her heaven. No one knows how she did this, the only time a deity's love has transcended death, the god joined his lover in her hell. Everyone merely waits to see if it works.
Ori waits too, her days and nights- or what passes for them- slowly slipping by as she stands unmoving. The only thing that can truly make this heaven a heaven will be along far too soon and definitely not soon enough.