Mar 21, 2006 19:10
It has been a while, so whats up with me? Still working, still single, still studying, not much has changed, except maybe attitude and appliance to things I have to do.
Still semi-living in New Lambton, gonna head back home tho when my 6 months runs out (April) so I can start getting rent again and paty off the loan quicker. I'd rather sell but the market is not right just now and I'd lose money, not a happy thing to do but if I pay as much of the loan off as I can then I'll be ahead in one way, being ahead is good, being behind sucks, I have spent too much time being behind.
I think I'm pretty much ready now for a new relationship, I thought I was before, but some stuff has happened lately to reassure me of this, I have no idea how that is going to happen or when but I will have to keep my eyes open I think, I know I'm not settling tho, I won't and if that means I die alone, so be it,.. heh,.. you get that.