Jan 04, 2007 12:33
ok "the list" being kept in my head is a shitty idea cause i forgot things constantly. so heres the deal. suggest something preferabley with a little description- and if its similair to anything you know i already like.
movies//music//tv shows//new soda flavors whatever.
for movies- be nice tell me how hard it is to find. who the actors are- well just the ones you like.
music- if its like "all *insert band* stuff is awesome...give me a few starter songs or at least an album...and a random fact :P also i do well with pictures :P
tv shows...same as movies. but knowing if its on dvd is helpful i am getting closer to a 'yes' on netflix which is useful for this and movies....
oh video games too especially for PS2 or PSP. but i also have, NES, SNES, XboX, sega saturn, and gamecube..
the list