So! I have spent the last couple of days switching backwards and forwards from apathetic torpors to states of catatonia. In one of the transitory periods from one state to another, I somehow managed to (hand)write four pages of notes for my political science essay. Strange. But what makes this even stranger is that I did so in about ten minutes (these transitions are quick). Just imagine what I could do if I spent an hour or more working.
Actually, let's not imagine that. Instead, let's spend hours lolling around and eating chocolate. My mother bought fun size Kit Kats and Smarties. She also bought ten packets of Tim Tams in assorted flavours: classic, double coat, classic dark, sticky vanilla toffee and chocolate mud. Surprisingly, she did not buy any ice cream. Sad face.
I finally got around to downloading and installing
Adium. Man, it rocks so hard - and I don't even like instant messaging! I spent way too much time customizing it this morning. So, people! Come and talk to me so that I can spend more time not doing assignments and getting crappy marks, meaning that I'll fail university this semester! MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Livejournal, Jabber, whatever! I can connect to them all at once because Adium is cool like that.
Lastly, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures, since all the cool kids are doing it these days.
Shown: Me paying homage to Vu. Not shown: Vu kicking me in the face because I didn't bow low enough. Vu demands prostration. Don't fuck with Vu, people.
Phung, Vass, Jack, Linh, Vu and Andy. This was at the second wedding, the day after my dad's wedding. They were all wedding'd out by then.
Me being me. Which means that I was being gross. Also, I have dog teeth. Woof!
Vu got a new puppy! That's the one on the right. The one on the left, Lolly, is all, "WTF R U A DOG Y/N"