Re-inventing My Journal

May 31, 2005 15:40

Hello to all who can actually bothered to read this uninspiring whatever-you-want-to-call-it.

I have been a busy little bee. So much to say, and so little time to say it. So I wont say it. =P

Taken 1st half of 1st GCSE. OH DEAR. Wont be getting above a C for THAT one... thats for sure!!

How have you all been??? I am so suprised that the poor random people's journals I posted on who used to know me ACTUALLY REMEMBER ME!!! I must've made an impression... good or bad, I refuse to say ;)

Wow. I miss Vene!! Hehe... I wanna go on an online chat room again and mess about!! Did we ever get a subsitute for that dear little website anyone?!?!

Also: Does any kind HTML God/Goddess feel any urge to help me re-invent the look of this pile of -fill in desired word here- ??

Much appreciated!

Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (aka Spoooooooooooooooonz)
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