May 02, 2003 23:31
Yeah so we (the twins, sara and myself) went on the long journey to san rafael aka yuppyville...Actually the town isn't so bad just a little too perfect at times. So we're in the car and there's some traffic which would have bothered me a lot more had we not been driving alongside a bus full of teenagers. After mouthing words to them they held up a sign in the window that had a phone number on it so i gave sara my cell phone and she called the number. From that point on we had a 5-way conversation with the bus full of gymnasts next to us. They danced to 50 cent damn what a crew. All of this and we were keeping an eye out for margaret and alyssa who were trying hard to follow us. So needless to say our ride there was interesting. Once we arrived it was loud and obnoxious so i headed up to starbucks with margaret and alyssa. We sat for a bit and then the twins and sara joined us...ok i'm going to skip to the more exciting's the third chapter second paragraph down...where two bands cancel and DESA gets moved up to play 2 hours earlier than scheduled. One problem: ryan noble has decided to do an acoustic set with a friend in turlock. Turlock WTF??? yeah turlock. And he has no cell phone so theres no way to get a hold of him. The band sets up and procrastinates as long as they can before they go ahead and start with out ryan...which leads to instrumental DESA...which turns into DESA karaoke which=very entertaining. The evening was a blast and i would like to give major props to Jano and Gina for their excellent performance!!! With that all that said i'm going to retire to my den and listen to some music hey i might even sleep for an hour or two...and then off to work @7am!!! woo hoo another day of serving caffeine hungry vultures.