Aug 20, 2007 21:25
My week so far-compressed version.
slept over at amanda s' house saturday night.
came back home sunday morning, had to frantically hide the various marijuana paraphernalia b/c jarrod's dad is visiting from alabama.
went out to dinner with jarrod's dad and his friend bob at shells then we drove out to lakeland to visit some of their old friends.
it was an extremely interesting car ride. jarrod's dad kept hinting at me and jarrod's inevitable MARRIAGE which made me kind of nervous but excited in a weird way as well...i don't know. This lady from my old church took me out for sushi the other night and she preached at me the entire time. She said that Jarrod and I aren't in love, we're in lust and we couldn't possibly love each other because we are too young and it's just our hormones acting up. All I could think in my head was, "WTF?!" First of all, Jarrod and I went through a lot of shit in the very beginning of our relationship. If we were just interested in getting some poon, we would've broken up a long time ago because we rarely saw each other outside school and it's not like it's hard to find willing people these days. We stayed together even though my parents hated him and threatened to call the police and Jarrod said he wanted to stick with me through this and I just don't think people who were merely lusting after each other would do that.
whatever, end rant.
monday i woke up, smoked, jarrod and i talked about a bunch of stuff and then he kissed me goodbye when he left for work. it was like this:
Jarrod: (putting work hat on) Alright sweetheart, I'll see you in a few hours.
(kisses me a few times) I love you, bye!
Me: You too, have a great day.
*door shuts*
*few seconds pass*
Jarrod: (walks in with goofy grin on his face and kisses me again*) I love you!! bye!
and then you can repeat that about 3 more times until his mother yelled JARROD! and he had to rush out. teehee~
i called kristen, she picked me up and i went over there and played Wii and made my own Mii. It was so much fun! We went outside and smoked, then we went to Freedom to pick up Kimbo and TJ. IT WAS SO WEIRD TO NOT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY. :( I miss it terribly. After that we picked up Jarrod, then went back home to get his coins to cash at Publix. We went there and he cashed them and they were worth $30! So we bought pot and Jarrod is going to take me out to Moe's :)
Then we went back home and watched The Hunted, chilled and smoked. I smoke way too much, I think this journal is helping me realize that.
I think I better go check on the blueberry muffins I just made, they should be almost done.