OK, for those of you who read
Sluggy Freelance (which should be more of you)the recent twist of the last few days is amazing. I was personally unable to bear the stand it was taking on the demons; I admit, I wanted BunBun back to his badass self. Really glad that this part is finally concluding. It was becoming totally boring. Not boring, but it wasn't ever ending. And it needed to end somehow.
Saw Jamie and Roy today. That was fun. I also got a Sand hitai from Jamie, he had extra. So more Gaara crushiecrushie things. Muahaha. Also, would never believe it, but ashita watashi no imoutochan wa koko ni kimasu yo! For non-nihongo people, that's my lil sissie's gonna come here tomorrow (paraphrased). yay! I miss her. I have to do some cleaning, and my hair's sorta partially pink, so that's gotta change real fast. Meh, what else is new.
Also got through the entirety of Naruto manga through 239. Wanty? Go sign up at
NarutoFan.com and get your manga for yourself. The Lee/Gaara fight isn't in the best scanslation quality, but oh well. Find out what's going on before everyone else!
Found an awesome new icon. Check out
Yuumeko's. It's just that awesome. Her journal is.... interesting..... Hai. I love her icon. Must make cool icon for myself.