May 07, 2006 14:16
I really suck at updating. Well, let's see here, this semester is finally over and I did fairly well, my lowest grade was a B. I think that's the first time in my college career. I'm just happy I can finally start to pull my GPA up. That's boring news though.
Went back to Ypsi Friday night to go salsa dancing. That was definately a lot of fun. I am going back when I get a chance. I also go to see Francie which was amazing because I miss her so much. She decided to tell me that PS she's graduating in July and moving to Missouri in August. It hasnt really set in that she's leaving for real. I didn't see her much but I knew she was always there if I needed to see her.
I saw Adam Friday night too, before I went to Ypsi. We made dinner and talked about camp for a few hours. It was amazing.
Saturday I went to Marc's graduation party. Talked a lot with Dane and some other people I didn't know. I came home to go out with Kassie and Stef but then Stef decided she didn't want to go ... whateve. So Kass and I went and then Lee ended up coming. It was a good night, my newly acquired salsa dancing skills (and confidence) came in handy. It was overall a good night for me, probably not for Kass, but we got through it.
Hmm, so today my parents let me sleep in. I got up and made a real breakfast for myself. I offered to make it for my parents too but they didnt want any. They are currently out canoeing now. I stayed home and layed out for a while. I also read some in my book, Nickel and Dimed. It's good so far - an easy read for the summertime.
I think thats about all. I had an amazing weekend. It's going to be weird not having Kassie around this summer. I was so glad I got to see her while she was home this time on leave. I tihnk we're going to hang out at least one more time before I go to Minnesota. She's leaving before I come home :(
OHH, I have a beef. So, any time I plan a trip in May it always seems that everyone has to plan other things for the same weekend.But this year, I picked this weekend to go to Minnesota because I thought it would have the least amount of conflict. Boy was I ever wrong. It seems like everything is going on and I have to tell people, sorry, I'm going to Minnesota that weekend. Oh well, I'm sure for whatever reason God knows that I need to be there instead of at all these places.
Now there is an update of my life.... Here are some countdowns:
5 days til Minnesota
11 days til camp (ish, I might go earlier now)
29 days til my birthday