The LJer formerly known as groovekitten.

Sep 17, 2005 18:58

I got a rename token as a gift, so I finally changed my username. I've been meaning to for some time now, seeing as "groovekitten" was something I just pulled out of thin air when I signed up. I didn't think I'd be using LJ as much as I do now. What a nerd I be. Anyhow, this name suits me far better. Everything is still here, my old entries, comments I've made, my friends list, so on and so forth. Any links to me will simply read the new name. Same dorky Cat, spiffy new username.

Anyhow, on to more pressing matters. Starbucks. Evil. I've gone in nearly every day this week for a pumpkin spice latte. Yet another reason to love Fall. I went in a few days ago and the girl behind the counter was just sweet as apple pie and gawgeous. She looked very much like Jessica Alba circa Idle Hands. She asked me if I'd ever tried the pumpkin spice before ("I'm addicted at this point" was my answer to that) and until my order was up, carried on a conversation with me about coffee and Autumn and books and things. Definitive proof that some of the pretty people don't suck. What a doll she was.

In totally pointless random news, I added some stuff to my interests list 'cause it was all short and boring. A few, while being things I do dig muchly, are only actually listed for my own amusement. It's probably quite obvious which ones those are.

And now I'm off to take a shower, drink my coffee and watch Shaun of the Dead before khohen1 calls me and we stay up way too late talking of dorky boy giggles, fake movie commentary and guns we don't have.

Dammit, Kel, you need to get your ass up here. Seriously.
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