I'm not sure if this is more vindicating or embarrassing, but the day after the Tour de Lincolnville, I went on a ride down around the bottom of lake Megunticook and I realized one of the key factors that spelled out my loss the day before. Tires that were half flat! Crap. Oh well - I pumped them up when I got home.
In even BETTER news - I called my parents after the flat tire ride and asked if they had found out if that bike from the auction this summer could be traded in. My mom checked the sheet that came with it, and it COULD be traded, so on my lunch break today we totally went and got me a new bike!!
It's a Raleigh Detour 4.0 Hybrid, and it rides sooooo nice! I also got a light for the front and back, a bell, a water bottle, and a new helmet. We were a little rushed at the end of the transaction to get me back to work before my break was over, so I didn't have time for all of this to really sink in, but when I was driving home I started thinking about it. This is the first new bike I have gotten since middle school. That's really exciting! Like, thinking about how pumped I was when I got my last new bike really helped me to put things into context. I totally went for a night ride when I got home.