May 21, 2003 14:30
i havent done an actual entry in a while...and i have nothing to do right i think i will. lets see....not much longer til summer...less than a month. seniors get out on friday. i saw dan out side of school on friday, saturday, sunday, monday, and tuesday. whoa! it was fun. me noelle and braenne had fun conversations today at the end of u.s. history...while we were supposed to be preparing for our test tomorrow..*eek* oh well. our talk was fun. i'm glad to hear that other people feel the same as i do... although...i always figured that they did...but you its been said. i feel like giving someone a big hug right now... but i'm all alone upstairs...and downstairs seems all if i go there my good mood may go away. and...that'll be sad. i like this'll be rainy and cloudly for a week and a half...then one day of sun..then back to rainy. *waaaah* i can hear baby birds growing in my attic..they are peep peeping for their mama and her worms.
i'm hungry. i think i should get something to eat. samanttha says she'll give me back my pringles! i hope she remembers or my heart will hurt. yay!
i am finished now...i guess...i didnt really say much... i just really wanna blurt about what me and noelle were talking about...but i'll have another entry for that.'ll feel good to vent more about it. and hopefully noelle will want to too. you know..private entries ...*hides and giggles* hehe..privates.... ok...i'm done. later