Jan 14, 2008 17:34
why are feminists often called misandrists?
why is a self-asserting, woman who stands up for herself called a bitch while a self-asserting, man who stands up for himself is called "normal"?
why when a woman pays the price for sexual pleasure by getting pregnant she suffers the public stigma while the man is allowed to remain anonymous and retain his privacy?
what are movies like Juno, basically a fairy tale pregnancy where after its over there are are no emotional scars, saying not only to young girls but to the boys and men who see the film?
why is it considered divisive when Sen. Clinton cites her gender and politics as an old boys club but supportive when Sen. Obama cites his race and the civil rights movement?
how is sexism any less pervasive than racisim?
why is sexism still confused as "natural" sentiments and therefore normal just as racism used to be?
not necessarily new thoughts, but thoughts to think about.