TJ Timebomb's Blogging Survey

Aug 13, 2008 14:40

I don't know TJ Timebomb besides as a name on Monte's blog, but this is a pretty not-so-bad survey.

Why did you choose LiveJournal as the home of your blog?

I didn't really choose to blog in the first place. I followed Scott Keith's wrestling site for several years and followed him to LJ when he set up a blog here. When he nixed anonymous posting, I created an account. I didn't plan on using it besides to respond (and for a while, that's what happened), but then I met Monte, started perusing his blog, and decided what the hell?

Then I started friending Monte's friends and in the meantime grew uber-weary of Scott Keith even before he left LJ. I go on long periods of not blogging for no reason I can figure, but I like the site.

Do you have any other blogs on other sites like Blogspot or Deadjournal?

I think I have a blogspot account to respond to things, but I haven't used it otherwise. I use the blog on MySpace for my lists and stuff, but not for much else.

How long have you been blogging?

That's hard to answer since I didn't start blogging when I got the account. About four years, I guess.

Do you think you will still be blogging five years from now? How about ten?

Yeah, I think so. As long as a few people respond, it's worth it. I like having people I know but who aren't people I know in person to bounce things off of. That's what draws me to this site the most--the anonymity, even among people who have become great friends.

Do you ever get the feeling that this shit is rather childish and just wanna stop writing anything in it?

There are people who treat "blog" like it's something besides a medium. Mainstream media uses "blog" interchangeably with "stupid people who have blogs, plus stupid people who comment on blogs." I realize they have to protect their dying mediums, but that shit is a lot more childish than most things you'll find on blogs.

Anyway, only active childishness can make blogging childish.

Finally... Why do you blog?

Oops, sort of answered this. But I'll add that I love to have immediate feedback/discussion on what I write. It keeps me writing, which keeps me sharp and focused.

It's worth mentioning that I should be showering instead of blogging right now, but the Twins are on, which is keeping me from doing it. So right now I'm blogging because the Twins are trying to shut down the Yankees.

And with that, I'll fizzle out. Sorry I didn't go out with a bang here.
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