So...a lot going on!
On the 8th, I have a paying gig! It's at my parents' house, but still! Paid!
Also, I had a photoshoot on Thursday. I still have not seen the proofs yet, but I'm guessing they'll be available by tomorrow, and also tomorrow, I'm going to the Jacksonville Zoo with
ladiosa whom I haven't seen in forever!
I also am starting a local writer's group at the beginning of the year. If I do not do this, I think right now my best bet is to just pack my shit up and drive to NYC and stay with my aunt until I can find work, because right now, the only job available is the old job I had for a day. Holiday work is gone. I'm kind of at the end of my rope here, and if I can't get my novel finished, let alone published, I really don't know what the hell I'm going to do.
In fandommy news, I am still watching my regulars (Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Castle, Glee, American Horror Story)
I do not get fandom. Like, at all. In apparently any fandom ever. Example #1: Castle. Even though the beginning of the season started out rather shakily for me, now I'm back to where I have faith in the Castle writers again and love it now. I'm sorry, shippers, but I actually like how they've been handling the Caskett. I like that it's just enough, but not taking over the plot in an obnoxious way. However, fandom's all: NOOOO WE WANT MORE SMUT! And I'm over here like, fandom?! Reeeeally?!?
I do not get why Once upon a Time fandom is ragey over the way Hook treated Rumple. Maybe someone in this fandom can explain that to me? I love what they've done with Ruby, and I loved seeing Annabeth Gish on my screen again! I'm sad she was killed off so quickly! However, I'm still not enitrely sure I trust the writers yet with this season at this point. I'm not quite sure where it's going, and not in a good way.
As far as Glee goes, I may have a rant coming on about the Marley storyline. Here's my thing...I don't mind the character, but I don't really like her either. I think the writers may be trying too hard with her still, but that's not the actress's fault. She's just not the strongest voice ever, she's just kind of...bland. However, I LOVED the Klaine phonecall from last week (I may have been screaming BLAINE LET ME HUG YOOOOOU at my screen) and seeing Quinn again just made me way too happy.
Revenge and AHS, I still haven't caught up on entirely, but I'm liking what I've seen so far.
Also...Supernatural may kind of be my new crack. I'm now half-way done with season 2. Thank you, Netflix. Or not. Depending on how distracted from Ze Novel I get by it...