I spent a lot of money today on Amazon. It was all holiday shopping, and after a quick trip to Ben Franklin tonight I should be done with xmas and Channukah gifts... Except for stocking stuffers. And gifts for a few people I won't see until well after the holidays, so I can probably get away with not buying them until early 2009.
And a few things for
I'm not sure when/where to give
baronmind his gifts. There are eight of them, or will be when I'm actually done shopping. So I feel like I should probably give him one on each night of Channukah... but he's coming to xmas with my family, and I don't want him to feel left out of the whole gift-giving situation. I can't really afford to get him more than I'm already planning on, so I can't give him one on each night of Channukah and an extra one or two on xmas day.
I believe Channukah overlaps with xmas this year, so there will be at least one to give him on xmas... but one xmas gift feels like not nearly enough. Which is silly since we all know I'm giving him eight things. It just feels like there should be more to open on xmas morning.
Last night I was talking with his mom about how different the gift-giving attitudes are for Channukah and xmas, and how I grew up learning to set money aside for xmas shopping, and how one year as a kid, she got a bottle of nail polish on one of the nights of Channukah and thought it was an absolutely fabulous gift. I said yes, there's frequently a bottle or two of nail polish in my stocking on xmas morning.
It's very different.