SparkPeople just sent me an email linking to
this article about the dangers of HFCS. It's an interesting article and well worth the read--especially if you're not already aware of how freakishly all-pervasive HFCS is in processed foods, and haven't already begun to weed it out of your diet.
In any case, at the very end of the article they give some suggestions on how to start cutting HFCS out of your diet. The last point reads, "Fill your grocery cart with low fat dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, eggs, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, cereals and breads."
Uh... cereals? Really, guys? Some cereals, maybe... but don't you think you should be a touch more specific about this? I mean, are you really going to tell me that I can walk down the cereal aisle and pick up any old box of cereal and expect it to have little to no HFCS in it? I admit that I haven't actually gone to the grocery store to check since getting this article, but I find it hard to believe that cereals like Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs and Fruit Loops don't all have HFCS in them. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that even most (if not all) of the semi-healthy cereals like Cheerios and Corn Flakes have HFCS in them.
In fact, I would be unsurprised to learn that (organic products aside), all mass-produced cereal products contain HFCS. Maybe I'm wrong. I just find this recommendation of theirs a little sketchy, especially after reading
Salon's article on breakfast cereal the other day.