Sep 13, 2001 17:29
Sidhe79: Hey
HuzzaHuzzah: hey there
Sidhe79: How are you doing?
HuzzaHuzzah: I've been worse. you?
Sidhe79: I've been worse occasionally.
Sidhe79: He's surprised at how many people around him (dorm rm, etc.) are in denial and know they are.
Sidhe79: Oh, yeah we're fine.
HuzzaHuzzah: okay.
HuzzaHuzzah: yeah, I'm not surprised by taht. not at all
Sidhe79: Me either. But then again, I'm wandering aroun din varying levels of shock and numbness.
HuzzaHuzzah: I go from shocked and numb to spurts of of barely holding in the tears.
Sidhe79: I haven't let myself loose enough for that. Every time I start to open up a bit, I freeze.
HuzzaHuzzah: I understand.
WonkRific: hi
HuzzaHuzzah: hi
WonkRific: hi - I needed that <>
HuzzaHuzzah: is everyone okay?
HuzzaHuzzah: (physically)
HuzzaHuzzah: how are you?
WonkRific: physically yeah
WonkRific: I was called into the city last night
HuzzaHuzzah: okay.
HuzzaHuzzah: I was wonderign what would happen with nursing students 9specifically you) inthe area.
HuzzaHuzzah: I'm afraid to ask, but what was it like?
WonkRific: EMS
WonkRific: wow
WonkRific: just wow
WonkRific: I have never seen anything so horrible
J R 0124: I'd love to go home right now and just slkeep for a month.
HuzzaHuzzah: I know what you mean. I haven't felt rested since I woke up tuesday
J R 0124: *nod* Exactly.
HuzzaHuzzah: what's up?
PaulEmilio: how are you?
HuzzaHuzzah: I've been a lot worse in the past few days. you?
PaulEmilio: nada....
PaulEmilio: same here...a bit better
PaulEmilio: at least, things are a bit normal in myside fo the world
HuzzaHuzzah: :-) the first RU pagans meeting of the year is tonight, and we're going to talk tabout it.
HuzzaHuzzah: it won't be fun
PaulEmilio: indeed
PaulEmilio: but, it shoudl be discussed
HuzzaHuzzah: I know... but I feel like it's my job to be calm and collected tonight, and I'm not sure I can do it
PaulEmilio: understood
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