Sep 04, 2001 15:32
okay, so I finally moved back to school. I'm living in an apartment on busch with three other girls. I haven't met one of them yet, but the other two seem nice enough. I'm having some issues setting up my ethernet, which is really pissing me off. I want my ethernet, damn it!! it's why I go to school! okay, really it's not, but I was so excited about having it back, and now there's all this crappy delay. poop.
the activities fair was yesterday, and went pretty well. John, from the Campus Crusade for Christ came over, and we chatted. John Reid had been talking to him over the summer, and we're looking to do some sort of non-denominational thingamabob like a soup kitchen or something. You know, something good for the community that will promote religious tolerence because of who the two co-sponcers are. pretty nifty idea, huh?
Well, I can't write much, right now. I have to get back to my room soon, b/c I think that we might be changing which of us is living with which. that pretty much means that I might end up moving all of my stuff into the other room. This is annoying, but mostly just because of having to move and reassemble my computer. other than that I don't really mind. I am slightly annoyed though.
other people's religions,