2010: The year of break-ups.
Holy crap! A ton of my good friends are ending relationships, getting divorces and all that other crap. It's freakin' crazy. I feel bad for them, and most of it is un-expected. I think that's why I'm mostly in shock. A lot of the relationships were long termed and all that jazz. It's been such a weird year this year.
I don't know why I'm writing about this really. I just think there's something odd going on with the Zodiac at the moment. Serious best wishes to all my friends and their craziness. I'm just standing back and going, "Woah!" I'm also happy and thank-ful Paul and I get along immensely well. We have squabbles, but it's mostly because of Paul being an old man, but he snaps out of it.
I am doing surprisingly well. I miss Paul like crazy, but he'll be moving down here on Wednesday, so I'll totally counting down.
One thing I've noticed about myself is that I need to freakin CHHHIIIILLLLLLL! I am so tense down here in the south, and everyone I've met here in Wilkesboro has been so fucking nice! I mean, they've been BEYOND nice! I guess I still have some of that Portsmouth mentality embedded in the back of my brain. I think I'm taking their kindness as a grain of salt, but in all reality.. it's truely genuine! You can't find that shit anywhere.
Hell, we were at a yard sale, and some lady (who's a complete stranger) offered to give my Aunt some of her own plants from her garden, and invited her back the next weekend.
Mind blown. This shit is too crazy for me. I think I'll be fine eventually, but seriously... I need to chill the fuck out, and stop being paranoid and defensive about everyone I meet.