Am I just a bad person?

Jan 21, 2009 09:05

I didn't watch the inauguration (I don't have a tv so it would've taken more effort than I thought it worth.) I certainly didn't watch the inauguration and WEEP, which was apparently the norm. I'm glad Obama's president now, but my happiness is in no small part due to the fact that maybe everyone will stop bitching now, and take down all those godawful bumper stickers (have I mentioned how much I hate bumper stickers?) I think Obama's going to do a cut up job, but I don't think he's going to wave his hand and magically fix everything/cure AIDS/make unicorns real. I hope people aren't disappointed.

I guess I am not the moved-by-historical-occasions type. My attitude is more "Good. Bout damn time. Should've happened sooner. Maybe we can get some shit done, now." Meanwhile my daily life will be affected very little, in all honesty (it was affected very little in the first place, if you don't count gas prices ruining my ability to take road trips), I'll continue not watching the news since I don't have a tv, and not reading it much either because I have too damn much to do and read as it is.

BUT I'm glad. Fine job, Barack. Do us proud. And I hope the rest of you enjoy crying like teenaged girls at an N'Sync concert whenever he makes a public appearance.

(interestingly, while I was googling to find a relevant picture of crying fans to put here, I found a picture of Obama. Ha!)
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