Dec 12, 2008 19:00
The nice thing about this haircut (oh, by the way, I gave myself a hair cut) is that it's so shaggy anyway that I don't really need to brush it very often. Laziness wins again.
My apartment complex stuck an "Extreme cold weather precautions alert" to my door because temperatures are supposed to drop below (*gasp*) 25 degrees this weekend. Yay Portland!
I need to be working on my thesis. You know, the single most important assignment of my college career, a rough draft of which is due in exactly a week. And yet today, I have preformed feats of unequaled laziness and uselessness, and wrote exactly 2 paragraphs, which had already been heavily outlined and in fact hardly needed to be written at all.
But I did buy groceries and at least I managed to put on pants.