Dec 31, 2007 04:59
So I've been thinking in my circular way, and I'm reaffirming some old theories which have brought me to this newyears vibe report.
2007 was an interesting year, filled with challenges at work and home, bringing me to an expansion to the logic bomb that is my brain.
Here are a few feelings and social ideas that I want to share and expand for 2008:
1. I see the world as being full of problems
2. I think that I need to help fix problems
3. I need to choose problems to fix and work on them until fixed
4. I need to take my head up from my work to take a look at the bigger picture, at least every now and then
5. looking at the bigger picture is a full time job
6. I pay much too much attention to the calamity that's going on in a global scale; (reddit/digg/other news sources/etc.) and overlook how I am part of a solution
7. I don't trust others to look at the big picture and give me a breakdown
8. 7 is a problem
2008 is going to be better then 2007, amazing things will happen.
So here's to finding solutions to problems created by solutions. And to out foxing the loop.
Can you tell I program for a living?
I wish you all a safe and exciting newyears celeamabration.
merry new years!