Jan 02, 2006 16:22
Haven't been able to post for aaaaaaaaages for two reasons:
1) I've been busy as all hell
2) Rob's had conjunctivitis since before christmas and has been home, and by home I mean - surgically attached to the computer.
So yeah.... what's been going on with me?
1) Working my arse off. Had some dramas at work with Matty getting fired and me being in the middle of it as I was the only other person working when he did what he did that got him fired (ie: closing early and not telling the manager who came back to the store later and found it closed). Spent time at the pub with coworkers and other phone store worker alum.
2) Doing stuff with family
3) Doing stuff with friends
4) Christmas - had lunch at home, then went to relo's then went to Minge's
5) Saw Narnia - loved it, horrified everyone (except tam and amanda) with my paedophilia-related observations
6) Tam's 21st - Got smashed, had a blast. Didn't have a hangover thanks to the magical healing powers of McDonalds fries
7) New years eve - Minge's house. Drank heaps but didn't get drunk. Played scene it, watched horror movies, ate food, enjoyed company, remembered why I respect Amanda so much (not that I ever really forgot).
8) New years day - sweltered in heat that can only be described as the flames of hell. Spent a ridiculous amount of time in the bath tub. Visited Godfamily in the evening, which was fun.
9) Did a whole bunch of other stuff over that last few weeks that I no doubt cannot remember.
Wish I could go into more detail but I really couldn't be bothered...... Now.... to eat chocolate or not to eat chocolate - that is the question. And the answer is yes I am going to eat some chocolate cause I'm a fat-arse with minimal willpower for chocolate!!!