Jul 17, 2005 23:37
.... I shall now describe this feeling in a word: sad and betrayed.
Ok so it was two words...... well actually three words if you count the 'and'. But, OMG I FEEL SO BETRAYED!!!!!!!!! THE BETRAYAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG THE BETRAYAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want to say much more cause I know there are people on my Flist who haven't finished reading it yet. But I will say one thing it was fucking brilliant!!!! Once again, the Harry Potter series brought me to tears, not as much as book 5 (Harry desperately talking into the mirror in an attempt get in contact with Sirius was just heart-breaking) but still, the end was very moving.
I watched Stargate's SG1 and Atlantis, they're were both good. Infact SG1 was much better than I thought it would be I'm still not too sure about the addition of Ben Browder to the cast, I agree they needed it to be a 4-man team again, but I was always rooting for the return of Corin Nemec (I just love Jonas sooooo much) even though it was probably never on the cards. Claudia Black is brilliant though, soooo funny, sooo how Minge and I would be if we were in the Stargate universe lol.
Anyways, that means that I now only have new Battlestar Galactica to watch...... oooooh I'm excited for that one.
I'm going to have to watch something cheerful soon though - HP has left me thoroughly depressed. A second viewing of Fantastic Four is definately in order - gratuitous eye-candy always cheers me up.