I'm back.
It's a bit depressing and a bit nice at the same time.
It's nice to be back in a comfortable routine in a way.
On the other hand it's quite boring ha ha...
It's also weird to be by the pool during a HOT day, then the week after freeze to death.
It feels like august, september and october disappeared. It was summer and suddenly it's almost Christmas !
It's weird but nice, i kinda like just skipping the boring months in the middle ... And i cant wait for christmas, it gets me all excited ! Bring on Christmas carols, Disney films and hot porridge !
As usual, my parents ask me for a wish-list for X-mas and i'm not able to give them any idea.
if i could i ask for that, but they dont know how to order on internet....
( more infos on Gertie ^^
http://www.etsy.com/listing/58142608/gertie-the-candyfloss-monster )
( more infos on Cuthbert
http://www.etsy.com/listing/56753158/cuthbert-the-candy-corn-monster )
( more info on that awesome ring
Also i miss Lj so much :( i miss the mood icons and everything. I wish people could go back on it...