Feb 08, 2009 10:52
So I finally got the name of the lady that jacked my van.
56 years old. Lives in a craptacular part of bay view in what can only be described as "modest accommodations". Its obvious that there is nothing to be sued for.
..but she DOES have a pretty colorful background as far as her driving habits are concerned.
(this is all with in the last 4 years and doesn't include open or dismissed cases)
343.05(3)(a) Operate w/o Valid License(1st Violation)
343.05(3)(a) Operate w/o Valid License(2nd w/in3 Yrs)
343.44(1)(a) Operating While Suspended
346.63(1)(b) Operating with PAC .10 or More (1st)
346.63(1)(a) Operating While under Influence (1st)
346.57(2)(.) Unreasonable and Imprudent Speed
343.44(1)(b) Operating While Revoked
346.63(1)(a) Operating While under Influence (2nd)
346.63(1)(b) Operating with PAC .08 or More (2nd)
As soon as WCCA is updated, there will be a hit and run added to that list.
I can't believe people like this are still allowed to purchase, title, plate and register vehicles in a state the DOESN'T REQUIRE INSURANCE. What the fuck?
This state is not only backwards, but inside out.
So yeah. Even though I know I'm not going to see a red cent from this whole affair, I'm suing her ass for as much as I possibly can.