bon anniversaireuuuuh
kaliweir !!!
j'espere que tu as bien fait la fête, malgré ce froid qui nous tombe dessus =)
this is kali's bday.
kali is awesome, but kali is also very good at harassing people about tutorials, so just to make her stop, and leave me be, i made a tutorial for her XD
warning : it probably wont work well for any other pics than stock. it was made for stock pictures, and for exemple it's definitely NOT a good tutorial for dark caps
the base
1- i wanted colors less vivid
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color
Green -100 +100 -100 +14
Cyan -100 -58 +100 -61
Blue +18 -14 +13 -100
2- different settings now
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color
Red -16 0 0 0
Yellow -49 +14 -38 34
Magenta -49 -100 +100 -8
3- New layer
Layer -> New color layer -> choose color 050518
set it to exclusion
4- not a step very important, and it REALLY depends on your base
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> hue/saturation
0 +10 0
5- Layer -> new adjustment layer -> Brightness/Contrast
-10 +5
6- Layer -> new adjustment layer -> photofilter
color ac7a33
density 67%
7- this time the colors need to be more vivid !
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color
Red 100 0 100 100
Yellow -48 +5 +1 +22
Green +4 0 0 0
Magenta -5 0 0 0
White +19 -11 +18 -18
8- Duplicate ALL the layers and merge them
then desaturate this new layer (CTRL+Shift+u)
set this layer to Color burn
and change the opacity to 40% (but it REALLY depends on your pic !!)
just add some textures and light, and you're done !! :D
here is mine :
more exemples, made with this tutorial :
Layers :