hi dear flist :D
i hope everyone is ok !
i want to wish a happy bday to
rosieslullaby and
zazaone(ouais !! les french en force lol)
les filles j'espere que vous avez passé de super journées
(avec plein plein de cadeaux et de gateaux :p )
oh et sorry pour le retard...
ptits cadeaux pour
rosieslullaby et
yunarotien esperant que ça vous plaise :)
art by
Kurt Halsey
et finalement un ptit quelque chose pour zaza,
j'ai lutté pour arriver à pondre ce ptit tuto,
assez simple mais qui je l'espere pourra être utile !
this tutorial probably wont work on a lot of pics, because i made it
to suit this particular picture. but of course feel free to skip some
steps or add a few more if you use another kind of pics as base !
1> Create a new canvas of 450x300. Paste your image, i choose a stock picture
2> i wanted the blue to be a bit softer
(but of course you'll have to change the settings depending of your own pic !)
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color
CYANS: -32 -32 +37 -58
3> then paste
this texture (from me) and set it to linear burn
add a layer mask, and with a big soft rounded brush, erase a bit of the texture so it doesnt cover all the flower
4> paste
this texture by me again and set it to overlay
duplicate all the layers and merge them
so now you have this new base
5> now i'm sorry guys, but because i'm a moron, i dont remember exactely what i did in step 5, using the variations, but it doesnt matter the way you use it, it's just another way to change the colors on your pic
go to Image -> adjustment -> variations
setect "midstones"
you've got a slider for how radical (fine<->coarse) you want the change to be.
this is how i changed it :
then let's say i did those steps :
once more blue
once more red
once more magenta
now your pic should look like this :
6 > i wanted the colors to be less saturated (mostly the blue and the red)
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> selective color
REDS: +15 0 0 0
GREENS: 0 +100 0 0
CYANS: -24 0 0 -15
BLUES: 0 0 +100 +100
Layer -> new adjustment layer -> hue/saturation
0 -7 +2
7> easy step, just to add some light in there
(i modified this texture
this, set it to linear dodge, change the opacity to 70%
and paste
this, set it to soft light, opacity 50%
8> it's almost done
from now i just added a new layer, and used some soft grunge brushes (color #ffffff)
again, it doesnt matter wich ones ! modify the opacity if necessary.
another new layer, to add some text with large text brushes
(or just add some text), and you're done !
my result :
a thousand times already i've tried to make a tutorial, but it always gave me headaches XD
i think this time i'm not so confusing
feel free to tell me if you dont understand something :D
wow zaza t'as vu ce que tu me fais faire !! je t'avais promis un tuto n&b, je l'avais commencé d'ailleurs et sauvegardé, mais je sais plus ce que j'en ai fait :p