I'm basically living in Queensland. So I'm basically surrounded by Queenslanders. The stereotypical Queenslanders are my neighbours, my classmates, people on the street and people at any bar
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I wasn't bagging out Twilight, exactly. I just have no interest in it and that seems to be the only book that people who don't read can manage up here.
Don't you hate having to talk about trivial shit all the time? Gah.
We have that here, if a teenager is going to have read any book, it's most likely Twilight. It's annoying because you can't even really have an indebth discussion without being asked; "Are you Team Edward or Jacob?" what's that got to do with anything? Mind you the books themselves aren't exactly..... indebth anyway.
The other books that the adults I work with will be autobiographies about celebrities.... *rolls eyes*
Someone on my team said to me "I dunno how you can read that there are no pictures." I kid you not.
As far as I can tell they have a lot of teenage angst. While I'm a fan of the old angst in some stories, I don't want to read three books that are, seemingly, full of teenage angst on every page.
The autobiography people are annoying. It's either celebrities or sports people. BORING!
No pictures? Wow, that's... wow. I'd expect that from a three year old.
Well, 4 books lol. Yeah there is a lot of teen angst, and co-dependant relationships. I remember when I was reading them thinking that the author probably married her high school sweetheart and has a cookie cutter life. Turns out I am pretty much right, she's mormon, got married at 18 and is a stay at home mom.
Alice in Wonderland has pictures.... I think that's the last book I read that did, well that I took to work anyway.
I don't get the big deal with wanting to know about people who are famious for acting like idiots.... I wouldn't spend money on a book like that, I just have to go to work.
A mormon? Well, now I know why the abstinence angle is pushed!
An Alice book should have at least some vignettes, there are always cool pictures you could have!
The writers block prompt question today is "If you find out that a celebrity you admire has been cheated on by her/his partner, do you typically root for them to reconcile or split up? If they have kids together, how does that affect your opinion?"
I wouldn't have thought that it would matter if that person was a celebrity or not. Why would your morals and values change just because that person has a high rolling pay cheque?
Oh yeah, and Twilight has a graphic novel of the books coming out, so there is a picture book for all those people that think that words are just too complicated. Artwork is actally quite nice. Ha.
I feel the same at work, I wanna slam my head on the table so many times, not the customers, just the goons that sit around me.
Don't you hate having to talk about trivial shit all the time? Gah.
The other books that the adults I work with will be autobiographies about celebrities.... *rolls eyes*
Someone on my team said to me "I dunno how you can read that there are no pictures." I kid you not.
The autobiography people are annoying. It's either celebrities or sports people. BORING!
No pictures? Wow, that's... wow. I'd expect that from a three year old.
Alice in Wonderland has pictures.... I think that's the last book I read that did, well that I took to work anyway.
I don't get the big deal with wanting to know about people who are famious for acting like idiots.... I wouldn't spend money on a book like that, I just have to go to work.
An Alice book should have at least some vignettes, there are always cool pictures you could have!
The writers block prompt question today is "If you find out that a celebrity you admire has been cheated on by her/his partner, do you typically root for them to reconcile or split up? If they have kids together, how does that affect your opinion?"
Seriously... gah!
Oh yeah, and Twilight has a graphic novel of the books coming out, so there is a picture book for all those people that think that words are just too complicated. Artwork is actally quite nice. Ha.
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