Oct 08, 2004 00:02
well I quit my job at Vita foods and am starting tomorrow at chianti as a waitress. the boss told me on weeknights you make around 100 and on weekends you make 150-200 dollars a night!!!!! sweet and I don't have to work alone all day.
Why did I quit my job in the first place? There's an old guy around 60 in danvers who's a little off(i think theres something wrong with him)
and he would come into my work everyday and just talk to me. I would be polite to him even though he never would buy anything and he clearly just wanted to talk to me. He gave me a professional picture taken of himself which didnt really creep me out all that much because he did the same thing to Vanessa. When he came in on Tues he was like "do u wear lingerie?" and i was like "woah what the hell? no." and he was like "do u want me to buy you some ?" I said "no i don't" and obviously was creeped out,then hes like "im a nice guy..." im like "yeah ok bye"
so on wed, he came in with a CVS bag full of underwear and pantyhose, I didnt say anything I was shoked, I was afraid he would snap if I got freaked out, so after he left i called my boss and my boss was like "oh my god I'll come in early so you dont have to work alone in there."
Soon after the guy comes back with a bagel in a bag and hes like "here i bought you a bagel- eat the bagel" I was like"sir i cant accept gifts from customers my boss gets mad please leave." he left. My friend Dave came to visit me at work and he kindly stayed with me for an hour or so until he had to leave, when he left the guy came back as if he were WATCHING Dave leave, he was like" do u want me to take the gifts back? " I said yes here, just take them." so he did and I thought that was the last of him...
Malkin drove me to work and waited with me for a while and around 11:00 the guy came back and started talking and said"have you two been to the fair?"
and "I got your girlfriend some gifts. " and then looked at me and was like" do you want me to buy you some food" Malkin and I were like "NO"
So I told my mom what happened and she got scared and called the police- Danvers police came into my work and were like" tell us what happened." and I told them , they said "yeah we know who he is, but hes NEVER bought anyone underwear before. If he comes back call us and we'll tell him not to come here anymore" I still get creeped out working alone and seeing him walk around outside my work, my boss understood and said if I ever wanted to come back I was welcome-soooo fucked up...