Walking on down

Feb 17, 2010 14:59

Title: Walking on down
Fandom: Spooks
Pairing: Past Adam\Tom
Summary: After Tom's name has been cleared at the end of 3x01, he needs someone to help him come back to the real world. ~1200 words.
Notes: I guess this is kind of h/c but the h is from the episode! I was interested in the fact that Adam immediately believes in Tom when he appears so I wondered if they had previous connections. Unbeta'd so do feel free to nit pick if you notice any mistakes. Title from a RHCP song called Slow Cheetah I had playing while I was writing this - "Walking on down to the burial ground, it's a very old dance with a merry old sound."

( 'You know where the shower is,' Adam says firmly when they get inside and gives Tom a tiny push to get him moving in the right direction. )

season 3, fic

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