May 04, 2010 18:42

how does anybody get through this world to be JUST mildly successful? Is it because they sit on their fucking hands and wish/hope/think positively about how the world OWES them everything. NO! That's fucking insane, stupid and selfish. The world owes you nothing- you are a flesh bag of bones and organs, like anybody else. So what do you do to get what you want? WELL! You have to get off your fucking ass, and work towards a goal.Nothing is gained from hopin' and wishin'. You must do things to get any sort of result. Not all work is rewarded with treasure, but you are closer to getting there, and you have your own self worth. You are your own person. If you give up, and put things in the hands of childish thought of "positive thinking" -you'll never be happy, you'll never grow, and your delusions of grandeur will consume you and you'll be an old person with nothing to show but wrinkled hands that are tucked under your fucking ass. < /end rant >
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