Hey guys!
Dunno if you've heard, but the super sexy and amazing, "
Titanium Rain," is coming back to the comic stands again!
I can't begin to recommend this book enough! [from amazing art, to a stellar story! -and it's not even a genre i'm into, but it completely had me wrapped around it's mastery of telling a damn fine story!]
So here's what i'm asking~
One of the problems that face the industry, is that most of the time comic stores don't know what's coming out, and can overlook an amazing book like this one and primarily stick to regular DC and Marvel books.
With the economy as bad as it is, stores are scaling back too! Even more reason why they may NOT carry Titanium Rain! :(
So the brilliant Josh Finney & Kat Roacha [creators of Titanium Rain] need your help with getting comic stores to order Titanium Rain-
It's pretty simple really-
1. Go to a local store (or two)!
2. Tell the store owner you want your copy of Titanium Rain #1!
3. The owner will want to know who publishes the book, and what IT"S PREVIEWS CODE is. You say:
Titanium Rain is on page 191 of the Previews catalogs, ORDER CODE: JUNE09 0698.
Then add:
Titanium Rain is published by Archaia Studio Press, the company who does MOUSE GUARD.
This last bit is important because it tells the store owner we're published by a legit company, and will also increase the chance of the store ordering more copies.
That's it! You have less than 2 weeks to get the word out. I believe in you guys- even if money is tight, we just need to get the word out!
Also! [and the same goes for this as well]
Order the first hard bound graphic novel of Primordia as well!!
(which is not only a kick ass book, but also features one of my pin-ups as well!)
Preview order code - JUN09 0695
There are so many other things going on. Currently [if you didn't read under my latest image over at Deviant Art,
My book, The God Machine, has been put on hold again, due to minor complications. It's looking like October might be it's new release, but not totally sure yet.
But i'm trying my best to try to have the book out for SDCC [which i'll be there!] and at LEAST for Dragon*con..... Did I just say Dragon*con? hmmm yes i did. Waiting for the official word on that one....
That's it for now.
Love you guys!
-chan <3
p.s. Did I happen to make a phone call to the
Ninja Mountain podcast? Perhaps so...! [regardless, always an amazing podcast to listen to! Even when i'm not being silly! right