Ok, I really wanted my next entry here to be one of spooky interest to others, rather than me bitching about day to day bullshit. However, after a build up of stupid people actions, I could not help myself.
Spooky Bitch One: Washing your hands.
How difficult is it to wash your hands after you have gone to the bathroom - especially when using a public bathroom in which you know other people are forced to touch the door your very grimey, fucking rookers have touched?! Being that I currently reside in a dorm, my shower is also located in the same room as the shitter. Naturally, I have the unfortunate experience of hearing others piss and/or shit while I am trying to enjoy my shower.....what I also have the unfortunate experience of hearing is how many of them do NOT wash their hands afterwards. I don't care if you are sitting on that fucking toilet pissing, shitting, or just passing fucking gas - WASH YOUR FUCKING HANDS!
Spooky Bitch Two: Talking during class.
Alright college students, we are in fact spooky college fiends, not immature junior high fiends. Jesus tap dancing christ, please do not converse during class every five fucking seconds. There is one class in particular that this seems to be an ever increasing problem. This spookishly annoying girl CONSTANTLY turns around to talk to the spookishly annoying guy who sits next to me. Unless you are tweeking out, there is no reason for this constant flow of jiberish! Now you might be asking yourself "why don't you just move?" But why should I move from the comfortable location of the room I have chosen for myself because these two annoying fucks can't keep their mouth shut during class?! I shouldn't and I will not. I will simply whine, cry, and bitch about it in my livejournal!! (because that is the ADULT thing to do!!)
Spooky Bitch Three: Collared polo shirts.
I know I am not down with the latest spooky fashion trends of today's spooky bitch fiend guys and gals, but I will say this....for those of you men who were the polo shirts with a collar, why the hell don't you roll the collar down? I have heard from fiends here and there that originally the shirt was intended to be a sun protector of the neck or some stupid bullshit like this, but I really don't care because for all the stupid ass wankers that walk around this campus (and others) with the collar pulled up, they look just as they are: WANKERS.
Unless you look as spooky cool as these spooky fiends:
Then you can't pull off the look!
I am done for now.