Jul 08, 2006 06:29
Pisser & I aren't dead, just lacking the desire to get on LJ. Dan's right, LJ sucks anymore. No one bothers posting anymore.
This week was my first week on observation, and I got to see just how easy it really is. Any other prison would be much worse, what with having so many lifers and violent offenders, but in Chester, it's mostly guys just wanting to get done and go home. Yesterday 2 guys on the block I was observing left. One is being released on Monday after he's processed, and the other is going to some halfway house. Chester's all about treatment. Drug treatment, alcohol treament, counseling, etc. If you get sent to the RHU (aka "The Hole") you can pretty much kiss Chester goodbye and head to our sister prison, maximum security Graterford. No one wants to leave Chester, so they are well behaved for the most part. I also watched inmates make Chi-Chi, which I'll explain in detail to anyone who wants to know. It's quite gross if you ask me though.
I think the Great Mandaygo should apply to Chester and be lazy with me. Sunday night I go in to observe how the 10-6 shift is run, and I've already been told that EVERYONE falls asleep on the post. Of course, if I do, they'll fire me in a heartbeat. Sucks to be the new guy, but it's worth it since my last paycheck was almost 4 times what I made at McDonald's.