Jan 12, 2009 15:31
It's very strange not to be thinking of time in "semesters". For everyone else, this is Monday, day one of an 11 week semester. For me, this is Monday the first day of my 40 hour work week.
Please don't whine to me about school...i don't care and to be honest, i stopped caring about the trials and tribulations of EVERYONE ELSES schooling when i realized that the people i thought i could trust and depend on didn't give half a brass fuck about my schooling or how hard i was trying just to keep myself afloat. "I have thought about dropping the class and taking you with me." fucking loyalty there.
whatever, you all go do your homework and bitch to each other that its "too hard" and "not fair", i have to go put in an application for a second job, i cant make rent this month...
jog on.