If security is dragging me away, still trying to pry a painting or Robert Downey Jr. from my vice-like grip, it must ComicCon...
(x-posting to everywhere~ my first real post on SDCC)
I haven't posted much yet, been busy and this year was so insanely huge and crazy I couldn't really stay put long enough anywhere to report on any one thing in any great detail. I think the longest I stayed put for any length of time was Hall H for panel and hanging out at Ruth Thompson's booth a little bit. I was pretty much bouncing around the rest of the time.
Made more fun by friends and family, this year was great. Nikki got Jack Bauer in a box, Christy got hot lips on a shirt, April...actually I'm not sure what April got, probably something awesome though, her and Ali...Dad got some cool artwork that made him happy, and Beth got some sweet product from Misty Benson that I really liked too...and it just goes on, doesn't it?
'Met a lot of cool people, saw a lot of cool stuff' is almost the sum of my report! I lost my camera, so I don't have any of my own pictures to post.
I know, please, I don't even wanna talk about it... *cry* Let's talk about something that makes happy instead...
* First and foremost....I'm knocked up!
This is the announcement everyone has been waiting for, (sorry for the wait, Beth!).
Yes, it's true. I, Rachel/SpookSquad, finally laid my own eyes on the real live version of Robert Downey Jr. He was walking with his people, and there was a huge crowd between me and him, but no matter. I saw the man, and I'm now expecting a little Sherlock. (though to be honest I feel like he's got company in there, so possibly a little Osiris, as well!) Please feel free to send all congratulatory messages to any of my little sites, and actual gifts to my home, or simply bring them with you to the baby showers, yes that's plural. We'll be celebrating the arrival of my little Iron Man several times. Dates TBA.
*Art was fantastic this year! I got cool sketches from some of my favs and I met a bunch of new artists on Artist Alley and got to watch a lot of people working on their stuff, which is one of my favorite things to see at events.
Sho Murase Everything on this woman's table was made of win.
http://www.shomurase.com/ Hey. Let's talk about this for a sec...I love how NO ONE, and I mean nobody, told me that the 'Stephanie' I'd met at D*C over the last few years was THE Stephanie, as in Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Really?? Hey thanks friends! Let's talk about how completely retarded I am for not knowing that.
I've been a fan of Stephanie's work for a long while, including that very informative tutorial she has up (on Epilogue, I think) that I kept up with for awhile.
Shadowscapes Go see all that fantastic stuff!
Who's sweet hands are these???
Let's talk about Justin Sweet.
His hair is short this year (it flatters him! Rachel Approved!), but that's the man, obliging me with a sketch at last year's SDCC. Sadly he was unable to when I saw him Saturday at this year's con, but I did get to say a quick hi... And this is when I rediscovered that Justin Sweet triggers my blush response. (Beth! Write this down!) Don't ask me. What is up with my crazy EBR, seriously, he was only chatting, making polite conversation!
But back to the art... I know that what I'm looking at is a fixed object, but when I'm looking at his work, I find myself staring at it wondering what's about to happen next, as if the image could move any second. It's crazy, dynamic. I decided some time ago that Justin Sweet is yummy. But I'm not the only person who loves Justin Sweet. Here's a Sweet "bio" written by CA's very own Redder:
Interesting facts about Justin Sweet:
Justin Sweet is credited with single-handedly ending WWII when he sharpened his HB pencil on August 15, 1945.
When Justin Sweet sketches, birds around the world start singing songs and dancing.
To this day medical science has failed to explain why Justin Sweet's body is composed of 70 to 85 percent of oil paint.
The Renaissance came about when Justin Sweet went to the bathroom one day during the 14th century.
When Justin Sweet mixes his paints, women across the continent are mysteriously impregnated.
At the age of one Justin Sweet painted the Sistine Chapel blindfolded and one arm tied behind his back. Sadly, art history credits Sweet's apprentice Michelangelo.
The United Nations declared Justin Sweet's hands a country on September 3, 1948. Shortly afterwards they invaded France.
Justin Sweet was the master to the old masters.
Justin Sweet killed ten full grown grizzly bears by applying gesso to his canvas.
Again, I did not write this, full credit goes to Redder.
Justin Sweet Gallery Vance Kovacs was sharing a spot with Justin again. Nothing but awesome here:
http://www.vancekovacs.com/ There is a great one called "The Fallen", (I believe that's right) which is cool, and there's a Kull one I really like, and my current fav is "Seeing Red".
I snuck around at Todd Lockwood's table, and once again knew for sure that if I didn't already love it, I would have to hate his talent out of pure jealousy. And that's just fine, because drinking a little Hater-ade never killed anybody.
I have a new favorite Lockwood piece!! In addition to my already favorite, War of Angels
http://www.toddlockwood.com/galleries/new_art/03/war_angels.shtml there is a gorgeous new one that I saw at con and can't find on his site, so I will have to ask about that one, but as soon as I have it, I"ll post it!
I met another cool artist who was assisting Todd at his booth, Mu. Mu is awesome. See Mu's stuff!
The Art of Mu This is my current fav:
The Art of Mu: 3 of 7 Hmm. LAW.
Quite frankly, I am stalking this man. And apparently everyone knows it, and they are ever so helpful when I show up. This con particularly so, as they would, before I could barely get a "hi" out, notify me of his whereabouts and ETA whenever he wasn't clearly in sight. I give that two thumbs up everyone, thank you.
He has lots of spectacular stuff to lay your eyeballs on, my personal newest favorites are
Medusa, (which I stare at every night before bed. when I sleep.)
Euryale, The Living Sea , and
Scatheflat which I can't have yet.
There's probably not much I could post here about LAW right now that I have not already written in secret detail elsewhere or is appropriate for public consumption. Go here and love him as I do:
http://www.ijustdraw.blogspot.com/ http://www.lawilliams.com/ I try not to stalk him too hard, lest he be forced to defend himself and then be distracted from doing all that yummy art stuff that I love so much.
I didn't get to speak to her at con, but I FINALLY got to meet Tara McPherson at her signing in L.A.!
(the rumour that I am stalking Tara is false. i have never once sent her phone call or an email. technically, only MS messages and those don't count) She put a cool sketch in my book which I'd post if I had a camera. :( She is also coming to Dragon*Con, along with Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Sas Christian, Colin Christian, Travis Louie and Doktor A!
Tara McPherson Art David Mack.
http://davidmackguide.com DragonCon will be the third con this year that I've hovered around David's table, so I'm pretty sure I'm following him. I think he's okay with it though. I got a great Snapdragon sketch from him in my book!!
The fabulous Ruth Thompson,
www.tarnishedimages.com, who is always a party waiting to happen, was there and I love this chick.
I will point out that Larry was NOT at CC this year. Mm-hmm! (Happy Belated B-Day, Larry!
) I hope you're bringing that car to D*C!!
Let's see, who else wasn't at CC...
I looked for Shelly Wan, didn't see her. Didn't see Hoang Nguyen either. Daniel Dos Santos was also absent.
I was really excited about seeing these three again, but no such luck this year.
Donato. *sigh* Donato was there. Had this with him:
http://www.donatoart.com/gallery/doandroidsdreamlovers.html and then there's another new favorite:
http://www.donatoart.com/news/wraith.jpgYou know...I think, what Donato doesn't quite realize, is that occasionally someone else would like to win an award AND...if he doesn't cut it out, everyone else will be onto his secret... Donato is a robot.
I may have spent too long hovering around Donato's table this year, but what I didn't do this year was crawl underneath his table and stage a tantrum for the Iron Man painting. Because that painting was displayed last year.
I did not get my books signed by
Brom or
Christopher Shy, again! First of all, I was over my luggage weight and there was no way I could pack anymore books with me on this trip. I'm surprised I didn't get busted on the flight over, because it was quite overweight. But the peeps checking me in weighed it, just smiled and said "Nah, let her go, she's late." Awesome. Anyhoo, last year I took my book and looked everywhere for Christopher and he wasn't there. This year I didn't bring it and guess who is bouncing around con. Well at least I got to meet and chat with him. And if that WAS a girl's tee he was wearing since he told us he wasn't sure and he didn't even know it was Bleach, he was rockin it. Everybody loves Bleach.
I pounced Buzz on Preview night. Which isn't easy to do, because he is tall. Heh. The sketchbook is fantastic, thank you, Buzz!
So many favs on this page!
http://www.justbuzz.com/gallery.asp?gallery=commissions Rebecca Guay...I got too excited and ran away.
http://www.rebeccaguay.com/ I thought I saw Christophe Vacher there, but I could have hallucinated that. Anybody? Was he there??
I will report that I missed every single demo I'd planned on seeing this time, Rick Berry, David Mack, and Donato's. Because I'm a spaz.
More art and stuff to ramble about soon! (if MS screws with any of those links, no matter, I'm x-posting this whole thing to my LJ and FB, try there)