Saw it. Liked it!
I'm a Christian Bale fan, so that makes it great, but even if you are not, the movie's cast are all worth watching. Since it was more about the story and what was happening to the people and no one really did any grandstanding. Well, no one EXCEPT...
ARNOLD. :D No seriously, for about 30 seconds. It was awesome. No he wasn't in the movie, but he sorta waaaaas!! :D
Fans of T2, and I am a HUGE fan of T2, should enjoy the bits that are weaved in. There are nods to both Terminator and T2 in the movie.
The Jeep. The picture and tape of Sarah Connor. The bike scene that nods to the Eddie Furlong scene with 'You Could Be Mine' playing on the radio. Ha, I think that was my favorite bit. Oh, and when the infamous line gets said! Actually, the two infamous lines do get said. T2 is really my first Terminator movie, since I saw it from start to finish in the theater. I didn't see the entire first Terminator film until later on tv, then video. That's when I realized how much of T2 was in the first movie, from the score to certain scenes, expressions, lines, etc. Well, vice versa on the movies. :D
Anyway, I think we are all ignoring Terminator: Rise of the Machines. I can't remember any nods to that one in this film, but then again, I have blocked most of that movie out. Yes! I prefer to think of Terminator Salvation as the real third Terminator movie. I think with the little bits thrown in, McG was doing a bit a grandstanding here as well. But I think I'm cool with it.
My only two complaints are what they did with the Moon's character, the whole romantic rescuse thing was a bit contrived, but I guess the plot needed a quick and dirty way to release Markus and move the plot along. And my biggest complaint!!!! The Terminators did NOT TERMINATE. Well, they did, but not nearly enough! I mean, geez! I didn't find them nearly as frightening as they shoud have been. Terminators from the other films were a lot more on the job, so to speak, than these guys. I actually wondered for a moment if the rating was PG-13. Wait, is it? I dunno...
Anyhoo! I will say the T-600 is adorable. In a big ol' bulky "Yay! I'm the early, unrefined, slow-class version of the Terminator line." sort of way. :) And I like the ninjas.
"Oh, there were ninjas in Terminator???"
There are always ninjas. You just have to seeee theeeem....