(no subject)

May 17, 2007 10:41

"Want to effectively support minority rights? Support groups that show minorities how to function as members of society, rather than trying to force society to accept whatever minorities want. We have majority rule for a reason."

Wow, I just read that from someone being serious.  I am staggered by the idiocy and ignorance.  I can't even bring myself to start to reply to that--Not that I could where it was posted, really.  It wouldn't go anywhere and somehow I would be the insane one from the treatment the reply would likely get.  I mean, shit, look at that phrasing.  "Function as members of society"?  "Force" society to accept things?  Because clearly the majority of people are well educated on the sources of their socially influenced opinions, have thought them through carefully, and are not easily swayed by scare tactics!

I'm absolutely disgusted.  I think this is one of those "if weren't for my horse" moments.
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