Get on board!

Sep 28, 2007 12:32

Isn't K.T. super cute? I drew a silly little doodle in her sketchbook and she gave it a big thumbs up! You know who else gets a big thumbs up? ALEX SEGURA. Why? Because he brilliantly created an LJ feed for me so that I don't have to slave away at multiple blogs as my brain melts into a puddle of goo.

So, here's the deal! If you'd like to keep up with my projects and events and what-not via, please click on the link below and add my LJ feed to your LJ feed/friends thingie. I'll likely do most of my posting there and I'd hate to run into you somewhere and you ask, "Hey, what happened with that thing and the so-and-so?" And, I'm all, "Wha-? Didn't you see it on my blog?" Then, you're all, "No, I didn't, I thought you just stopped posting on LJ..." Which I then cry and slobber and you have to pat me on the back and it's just all a mess. SO, let's avoid that and you just click on the clickies and we'll all be happy! Thanks!
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