Sorry I've been AWOL, teh Christmas rush is setting in , so I've been pressed finishing Xmas shopping, shipping, and finishing gifts I should have finished weeks ago (mostly the embellished fabric pieces). I doubt many people read my page, so I'm sure not much sleep is lost in me not posting anything lately! ;P I should pics soon for those that may be interested, though, if any such people are out there. Even if there's not, I like having this place to organise my thoughts while I'm working on stuff, so it's not a total waste. :)
Because of the mentioned hustly-bustly, I'm sad to say that I haven't made the progress I wanted to on the dress; I did more beading, and now I''m so close to finishing the front bead-work that it's driving me nuts. One good long sitting is all I need, it looks like about 10 hours of work remain (two motifs, and two anthemions). I might be 1.5 hours in on one of the motifs, but I can't remember. I'll post a photo when I actually have someting to show; no point in a prog pic now since it will look pretty much like the last one, but with less templates pinned on - not very exciting.
I can't wait to cut the next layer's fabric, though I'm not looking forward to an afternoon of template drafting (scallops and beadwork.... ) I think that's the only part I'm dreading. I don't even mind actually working on scallops anymore though the small scalloped scallops gave me fits last time - at least it's cutting and sewing, something with more tangible progress. Also, after doing so many of those scallops upon scallops, they don't bother me any more. Besides, the next set are bigger and not individually scalloped - much MUCH easier.
(reads over post) WOW... this IS boring. XD For entertainment, Here's Foos as Buddy Hajime.
All better now??
Have a nice day, and hope you saw yesterday's spectacular sunset (purple and copper!)!