Seeing all of the awesomeness crowding the interweb lately has me thinking. Still working on the dress of course, once I get home, but also looking ahead.
After my current project, I definitely want to work on something sewing-intensive, not so much beading or prop building. No wings or crazy-huge heads. Sewing. Haven't really pinned down what I want to do yet though, since it'll be a little while before I can start anything. Ideas -
If Chief ever goes back to working on Kirin from Petshop, Honlon would be pretty and they would look beautiful together. Besides, it seems like it would be fun to be tri-polar. :)
Could always finish Makara (finally), though 90% of the sewing is done - the headdress and some finishing is all that really remains. It would be good to finish and actually debut it sometime, but I'd really like to sew.
This is a puzzle I purchased exclusively because of the art. It's based on a myth called The Dragon King's Daughter. Sorry the picture isn't the best. I would have to learn to style a wig, or commission one. I'v done neither, but one of the other is inevitable in this hobby.
I'm really seeing a trend here with the drapey, flowey, Asian styles. Hmm..
We were talking about a Godchild group, however. Nothing but sewing, and it would hit my mood to practice sharp tailoring.
I have other ideas in my notebook, but it's not with me right now, it's clear across the country - really. The ones I remember are all the ones I don't feel like doing though.
Any thoughts, anyone?
I don't know if any of these would be as epic as what my friends have been working on, but I think I would enjoy these projects and make something that would help me improve my own skill and be something that I'm proud of. I guess I'm going for the same feeling I have with the green top I made.