It’s been sooo busy… yet I’ve been feeling sooo lazy…
There was a lot I should have gotten done this weekend, the devil of the interwebs distracted me by tapping into my sore need for serious down-time. I did get a lot of running around done, aquiring flowers and ribbon, nice clothes for the portions of the wedding weekend involving guests/family, some packing for the move. I should have done more though. :-/
Until now, the wedding has been some far-off thing though it’s practically here. It still feels that way, though every now and then reality breaks through and I just get this “OMG” feeling. It really hit buying the flowers for the bouquet when I started thinking about what it was I was buying. I started getting misty eyed with that, so now I am wondering how I’m to keep myself from tearing up at the wedding. I’m sure the enormity will hit, but I can’t be crying during the wedding!
I also just realized that I don’t have anything “borrowed”. Suggestions anyone? A piece of jewelry or something maybe? I already have necklace and earrings and something for my hair to go with the dress, so maybe a pin or a ring someone might have?
I’m really missing sewing right now. I can’t wait for my new sewing area in the new apt though, it’ll be really sweet since it’s its own designated space, good natural light, etc etc. Once set up, I look forward to working on some clothes for myself, some little quick projects (Katamari thingy-picker-upper FTW), and some items for future costuming.
I still have to resize and upload megacon pics and I still want to share pics about the old old sewing machine. I haven’t forgotten, my life’s just a whirling dervish at the moment.
BTW: bringing Easter candy into work so it doesn’t melt in the car: Worst. *munch munch* Idea. *munch* Ever. *munch munch*
Also: Saw the Tiffany exhibit on Saturday. Amazing stuff, makes me want to kick my family for not teaching me how to do stained glass (the two generations ahead of me both did stained glass). I'd like to take a class someday. In the mean time, I'd really like to embroider some of these designs using varegated thread to try and capture that stained glass look.