Okay. Where to start?
Some of these things I'm still terrified of. Some of these I have actually gotten over.
Growing up : (
Leaves blowing in the wind.
Windshield wipers.
Car washes.
That magnetic car crusher crane from The Brave Little Toaster.
Being shot while the car's at a stoplight.
Darkness. Cos who the hell knows what's in it?
Being burned alive.
Uncovered windows at night.
Somebody/something watching me through uncovered windows at night.
Seeing a number of scary images through uncovered windows at night.
Bugs. Insects. Spiders. Any of these flying around my head.
The sound of airplanes flying overhead.
Homicidal maniacs who have access to agent orange.
Pyramid Head.
The possibility of somebody tapping at the door at 3 am.
LOST made me horrified of creepy, waterlogged, dead, bloated bodies.
(Says the kid who has serious lengthy discussions about whether or not cooking human thighs on a stove is better than cooking them in the oven.)
Fucking Klaus Kinski. That fucker lives in my fucking closet. I swear it. D:
Alright, I gotta say....I really don't like pictures of myself. I don't keep very many.
And so what if Vince is a bit of a tease? : )
Completely different note....You ever been feeling sick enough that jerking off is a chore, but it's been like three days since the last time you did it? Awful, awful situation. It'd probably help if I stopped reading Joker/Scarecrow porn.