These equations in my book don't account for Karma, but somehow I ended up working for Dharma....

Mar 11, 2010 06:05

(In which I realize, fuck, it's six a.m.)

I HATE how much this show means to me, and how real it's gotten for me.
Eight. Just eight.
(4 8 15 16 23 42)
Eight more episodes and it's over. Over. Forever.
And I honest-to-god don't know what I'm going to do.
(Jacob loves me, and Jacob loves you.)
I'm really glad Charlie doesn't sleep, like I don't sleep.
And I'm really glad he doesn't care that I call him when I can't sleep because I'm too stressed out over Lost.
It helps to have somebody really understand, no matter how fucking stupid we are for it, and how fucking stupid it feels.
We live for Tuesdays, and we survive on repeats in the interim.
I feel bad that I wouldn't choose him for my Constant, but in truth, he's second.

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