There's not much of a point in any of the following, but here it is anyway.
I was finally asleep at one point, and it was very, very nice. Until somebody yelled "Welcome.... To The Circus Of Values!" (Damn you, Bioshock.) So I lay there, not sure whether it was night or morning, with my face shoved into the back of the couch trying to make it all go away. Gave up and grabbed my phone and saw that it was about 1:30 in the am.
The lesson here? Don't let a group of nerds in your home at late hours.
Nah, it's cool though, fer realz. They're all on my good list, really, it's just that Matt and Davey Jones get loud a lot. (And yes, his name is actually David Jones. lulz.)
Watched Tropic Thunder last night, which was a lot better when Maggie and Brad weren't making out across the room. It was pretty slow in parts though. I've been wanting to see it for forever, because the premise of the film, I thought, was brilliant. The best part was Tom Cruise. He was fairly amusing throughout the movie, but his part at the end during the credits probably made it onto my list of Funniest Things I've Ever Seen. Sometime after 1:30, I pulled Adam upstairs to my room. We're awesome. We like to play Rorschach/Nite Owl (....when no one's watching) because we are very, very mature young adults. It's all in fun though, and that's what's important, right? Right. We've really gotten very good at not breaking character, no matter what. Did I mention how awesome we are?
Things are kind of easier with Adam for now. Just hang out most of the time, fuck around when we both feel the need to, and nothing official, which is a-okay by me. I don't think I'd be stable enough for a committed relationship, and honestly, it just doesn't sound all that appealing. So, that's that for the time being.
Everybody left around 11 this morning. (You know, I'm not sure how it came to be that they were at my house in the first place.) Driving down to Texas for ACon. Wish I could've gone, but as usual, they'll bring me back some Hellsing action figures. They always bring back two, and they're random, so I've ended up with Seras Victoria, Jan Valentine, and two Sir Integras. (That's one and a half Integra too many.) They got me an Alucard one time too, but it wasn't one of the random kinds. I gave them 20 bucks this year, so that should get me four or five action figures, so the growing pattern would say I'll get two Integras, and two other different ones. I really want a Schrödinger.
So I have no idea what I've done with the day. Still haven't really slept; a few minutes here and there. Am watching the Essex County Sanatorium episode of Ghost Hunters where Steve & Tango are in the morgue and they shut themselves in the body freezer. They crack me up. And they're hot. Especially Steve. So it's all awesome.
I'm almost ready for H'ween! Will maybe put some finishing touches on my costume. I have the mask about finished, and all I need now is coat, hat, scarf, and, fuck, everything else. I've gotten a better start this year than I did last year, but the worst was the year I went as Vincent Valentine, and started working on the costume in March. That cape was a bitch to make. So was that fucking gauntlet. God damn.
I might try to finish LOST Season 1 tonight. I'd like to finish Season 1 before the series ends. Heh. Is it just me, or is Shannon/FiveBoone-cest really fucking hot?
Need to catch up on my lj friends posts too. I'm getting behind again. I'm always behind on that, but I was doing alright the past couple of days, but now I have way too many tabs open.
Speaking of LOST, Jimmy Kimmel had a couple nifty things.
100th Episode Spoof: And I hate Jack. So very, very much. (There's been one time when I was impressed with and actually appreciated Jack, and that was his recent Golden Eye shoot-out scene.) However, I do like to see Matthew Fox outside of LOST if he's doing something worthwhile like this: And because he's fucking ADORABLE (and because, regardless of what I said earlier, he is my boyfriend), Jeremy Davies from 1992: Seriously, I really do not know where the day went.