I've done this one before, but fuck it, I'm bored.
1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs King, and she was a total bitch.
2* Last word you said: watching
3* Last song you sang: I'm singing "Road To Joy" by Bright Eyes right now (one of the best political songs EVER!)
4* Last person you hugged: My little brother, Hunter. I haven't gotten a hug from hin today, yet... I shall go get one right now.
5* Last thing you laughed at: Pics of Karl Rove being carted off by police...
6* Last time you said I dont remember: On the phone with Shmurf this morning.
7* Last time you cried: Urm. Last night? I don't 'member.
9* What color socks are you wearing: The invisible kind. I hate socks!
10* What's under your bed: A rubbermaid tub full of purses
11* What time did you wake up today: noon
12* Current taste: cherry coke and Stove-Top stuffing (aka, lunch)
13* Current hair: Messy. I woke up 3 hours ago, and have done absolutely nothing but fuck around on the computer. I think I might eat some ice cream...
15* Current annoyance: Flies? LJ Drama? Not being able to find my copy of The White Stripes "Elephant"?
16* Current longing: To get off my ass and do something. Maybe draw, maybe clean my bedroom.
17* Current desktop background: Gerard Way. There's pics of it a few entries back, go see for yourself
18* Current worry: School strats 3 weeeks from yesterday...
19* Current hate: My stomach. It's making scary grumbly noises.
20* Current favorite article of clothing: A blue/green paisley and flowers midcall-length floncy skirt I got for 75% off at Ritzi's yesterday, because the owner Sherri, loves me. ^_^
21* Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: Hair! Good hair is always the best.
22* Last CD that you listened to: I've got The Ataris - "So Long Astoria", Bright Eyes - "Wide Awake it's Morning" and FOB - "From Under The Cork Tree" on shuffle. But Bright Eyes was the last one I listened to all the way through.
23* Favorite place to be: Hanging out anywhere with Shmurf. Particularly hot-people watching at the movie theater.
24* Least favorite place: Urm... outside? I hate the sun. I wonder if the mail's here yet.
25* Time you wake up in the morning: 45 minutes after I'm supposed to. It's been around noon lately.
26* If you could play an instrument, what would you play?: Guitar. Everyone knows that a girl on giutar is just buckets o' sex.
27* Favorite color: pink and green.
28* Do you believe in an afterlife: I don't know what to believe bout death anymore, really. I just gave up on wondering about it and figured that I'd know when the time came.
29* How tall are you: 6' even.
30* Current favorite word/saying: "fuck off and die", "moose" and "dirnt, dirnt, dirnt, dirnt".
31* Favorite book: ong, there are sooo many. "How I Live Now" was probably the last one to make me cry, though. Go read it now!
32* Favorite season: Spring. I get really depressed in the winter-time and spring is when I beging to cheer up again. Puls, it means school is almost out, and UHL Hockey playoffs!
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: I would beat the sht out of Tyson and tell myself to stay away from him, kuz he fucked up the last 2 years of my life.
35* Where do you want to go for college?: Berkeley, CA, or an art school in Canada. Haven't decided yet.
36* What is your career going to be like: Art of some type..
37* How many kids do you want: Two or three...
39* Said "I love you" and meant it: I don't say it if I don't mean it, sweetie.
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: Yeah. I fight with my cats and dogs like... um, cats and dogs!
41* Been to New York: Nope.
42* Been to Florida: Yesh.
43* Been to California: Only LAX.
44* Been to Hawaii: Nope. It was the most beautiful 6 dys of my entire life.
45* Been to Mexico: Nope.
46* Been to China: Nopers..
52* Do you have a crush on someone: Not currently, and I need one so badly...
53* What book are you reading now? : I've been trying to read George Orwell's "1984" since the last day of school, and I just can't get into it. I'm going to buy my own copy of "Farenheit 451" tomorrow and re-read it, though.
54* Worst feeling in the world: Wanting someone you can't have, or hiding how badly you really hurt, just to spare thye feelings of the people you love.
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Lately "is the mail here yet? If my barbells aren't in that mailbox, I'll spoon the mailman's eyes out, I SWEAR! What time is it?"
56* How many rings before you answer: I always keep the phone o my bed/desk, so usually half a ring-2 rings.
57* Future daughter's name: My first baby will be Cyd if if's a girl...
58* Future son's name: ... and Sid if it's a boy
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No. I keep the 2 important ones (a cat from my grandma and a squirrel from Shmurf) on the shelf, though.
60* If you could have any job you wanted: Artist, fashion designer, photographer, something great like that. Rockstar, maybe?
61* Wish were here: Shmurf and I are supposed to be out shopping r/n!
62* College plans: You already asked this, you fuck.
63* Piercings: Gauged lobes and right tragus.
64* Do you do drugs: Fuck no. I've seen too many people I love die or be fuck ups forever on them.
65* Do you drink: Bleh, no.
67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Vive honeydew-smelly-stuff. It makes my head smell like a melon!
68* What are you most scared of: Your face! (your mom! [your mom's face!])
69* What clothes do you sleep in: Whatever I'm wearing when I decide to go to sleep.
70* Who is the last person that called you: Shmurf? Brandy? Something like that...
71* Where do you want to get married: Who says i want to get married?
72* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: I want to be less fucked up in general. Just a tad bit more normal. That and have better clothes, dammit!
73* Who do you really hate: George Bush, Carrie Hill, and Dustin Camp. Bush ordered thousands of innocent people to be killed, Hill killed someone who I was very close to and still haven't gotten over their death, and Dustin Camp killed someone who I never really knew about till after his death, but he killed a great person, nonetheless.
74* Been In Love: mmmyep.
75* Are you timely or always late: I'm usually on time.
76* Do you have a job: I just wuit my job.
77* Do you like being around people: No. I like to sit and watch people from afar. But nothing's better than walking around town with a group of friends.
78* Best feeling in the world: When a song is so good, you literally forget to breathe while listening to it.
79* Are you for world peace: #snort# Yrah, that's gonna happen. [/sarcasm]
80* Are you a health freak: Not at all. I just had cherry coke and stove top for lunch, and I'm getting ice cream when I'm done with this. And have you seen a picture of me? I'm not a health nut at all...
81* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: The fucked-up boys. I always think that I can fix them. I guess I just like boys with layers like that. And secrets, and atrisitc talent (wheteher it's drawing, music, writing, I'm a freak for art-fuck boys)
82* Do you want someone you don't have?: Always.
83* Are you lonely right now: Yeah. I'm amazingly good at distancing mysleffrom the world.
84* Ever afraid you'll never get married: No. If I do, I do. If not, that's okay too.
85* Do you want to get married: read above, fuckers.
86* Do you want kids? I want to adopt, because the whole pregnancy thing freaks the shit outta me...
87* Cried: Yesh, Shmurf made me cry...
88* Bought Something: No. My mom bought me school clothes, does that count?
89* Gotten Sick: Another sinus infection, I think. I go to the doctors every month and a half or so, and he gives me medicine for a sinus infection. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't even ask me what's wrong, he just writes the perscription, and we talk about music the whole time.
90* Sang: I even sing when I'm on the phone w/Shmurf. I sing always.
91* Said I Love You: yes. I'm always tellking the people around me (and on my friends list) how very much I love them to bits.
92* Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Yes. Then I did. See? It's easy.
93* Met Someone: Nurr... Bridget, the new girl who works at Ritzi's.
94* Moved On: Yeah. Josh is now an ex-crush. I was just thinking last night abouthow I don't want him anymore. Fuck, I was just too, too hung-up on that boy...
95* Talked To Someone: Yeah? When am I NOT talking?!
96* Had A Serious Talk: Yeah. I've lost too many peole I love to drugs/alcohol and goddammit, I'm not losing the person I'm closest to.
97* Missed Someone: Always.
98* Hugged Someone: Yeah, you asked a similar question before, jeeezus.
99* Yelled at Someone: Yeah. Shmurf, my mom, both my little brother, the cats.
100* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Not recently, no.